
The next FAIRMODE "technical meeting" will take place in Malta (MT)

View all the past meetings from 2008 with agendas, presentations and minutes

The initiative

The Forum for Air quality Modeling (FAIRMODE) was launched in 2007 as a joint response initiative of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). The forum is currently chaired by the Joint Research Centre.

Its aim is to bring together air quality modelers and users in order to promote and support the harmonized use of models by EU Member States, with emphasis on model application under the European Air Quality Directives [More...]



Databases and tools

Δ - Tool
A tool for air quality models benchmarking
Screening for High Emission Reduction Potential on Air
Web App
The European Composite Map
Web app
Δ - SA
Delta tool for Source Apportionment
Web App
Source profiles for Europe

Publications and documents

Pubblication |
FAIRMODE recommendations regarding modelling applications in the frame of the ambient air quality directives
The recommendations in this document are part of FAIRMODE’s contribution to the on-going revision of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives (Directives 2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC, hereafter AAQDs) initiated by the European Commission.
FAIRMODE Document |
This guidance document explains and summarizes the current concepts of the modelling quality objective methodology, elaborated in various papers and documents in the FAIRMODE community, addressing mainly model applications for air quality assessment.
FAIRMODE Document |
FAIRMODE recommendations on e-reporting 
The document summarizes the work carried out under FAIRMODE to support the implementation of the e-reporting process, with particular reference to modelled data.

Related projects

JRC Source Apportionment
In order to improve the comparability of results from different approaches and to constrain the output's uncertainty, the JRC launched an initiative for the harmonisation of source apportionment with receptor models in collaboration with the European networks in the field of air quality modelling (FAIRMODE) and measurements (AQUILA)
The Model Documentation System aims to provide guidance to any model user in the selection of the most appropriate air quality model for his application. Inclusion of a air quality model in the system is by no means associated with any form of endorsement for using the particular model: it helps select the most appropriate by using the specifications submitted by the modellers.
Initiative on harmonisation within atmospheric dispersion modelling for regulatory purposes. It organises a series of workshops to promote the use of new-generation models within atmospheric dispersion modelling, and in in general to improve the "modelling culture".