FAIRMODE is a Forum for Air Quality Modeling created for exchanging experience and results from air quality modeling in the context of the Air Quality Directives (AQD) and for promoting the use of modeling for air quality assessment and management in a harmonized manner between Member States. Its main objectives are:
1 To provide a permanent European Forum for air quality modelers, particularly addressing model users;
To study and set-up a system (protocols and tools) on the quality assurance and the continuous improvement of air quality models and input data operating at different spatial scales from national to urban and local;
To provide guidance, support the standardization and evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of air quality models and input data, for assessing current and future air quality within the framework of implementing the EU’s Air Quality Directives;
To support air quality management (at the national, regional and local level) in developing and implementing plans and measures to improve air quality with efficient modelling tools;
To promote capacity building activities aiming at ensuring an optimum use of the proposed common methodologies and guidance and to promote good practice among the EU Member States;
To make recommendations on future priorities, research activities and other relevant initiatives to secure Air Quality improvements.