WG5 – Planning

S. Janssen (VITO)
J. Soares (NILU)
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The aim of this WG is to support the use of modelling approaches for air quality planning purposes. It includes:

  • A Support to local, regional and national authorities in designing efficient and coherent measures,
  • B Exchange of good practices to harmonise the reporting of air quality plans and ensure comparability,
  • C The development of QA/QC methods to assess the quality of models when used for planning purposes.

The WG5 activities will focus on:

  • 1 Using models in support to the AQ planning process. What are the main obstacles, both from a technical and governance perspective?
  • 2 Assessing the sensitivity and robustness of model responses to emission reductions
  • 3 Providing recommendations on the combined use of models and observations for planning purposes
  • 4 Supporting the reporting of plans and air quality measures through a common template
  • 5 Evaluating consequences for e-reporting of planning data
  • 6 Providing overall support to model users (SHERPA, air quality models…) in their planning activities (measures, emission and model scenarios)

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