WG1 – Source apportionment to support AQ management

A. Clappier (Univ. Strasbourg)
G. Pirovano (RSE Italy)
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Guidances and proposals


The main aim of this working group is to deliver guidance on the fitness for purpose of different source apportionment approaches in the overall context of air quality management practices. Future WG1 activities will focus on:

  • 1 Consolidating the fitness for purpose source apportionment (SA) guide, in particular with the following topics: complementarity of SA approaches, receptor modelling, extension to O3, NO2, PM coarse...
  • 2 Supporting the reporting of SA results and update of documentation
  • 3 Supporting pilot regions and cities in their source-apportionment estimates (first stage of an air quality plan).
  • 4 Developing a SA protocol in support to planning (key components, sequence, purpose, complementarity…).
  • 5 Interacting with CEN, in particular in relation to the foreseen Technical Specifications on source oriented SA.
  • 6 Provide guidance on the use of the CAMS policy products related to source apportionment and source-receptor relationships

Related Documents

Related Publications

Spatial and sector-specific contributions of emissions to ambient air pollution and mortality in European cities: a health impact assessment (2023)
Use of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service policy products to evaluate the contribution of EU cities to their pollution (2022)
Why is the city's responsibility for its air pollution often underestimated? A focus on PM2.5 (2021)
Source apportionment to support air quality planning: Strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches (2019)
DeltaSA tool for source apportionment benchmarking, description and sensitivity analysis (2018)
On the validity of the incremental approach to estimate the impact of cities on air quality (2018)
Sources and geographic origin of particulate matter in urban areas of the Danube macro-region: The cases of Zagreb (Croatia), Budapest (Hungary) and Sofia (Bulgaria) (2018)
Source apportionment and sensitivity analysis: two methodologies with two different purposes (2017)
SPECIEUROPE: The European data base for PM source profiles (2016)
Contributions to cities' ambient particulate matter (PM): A systematic review of local source contributions at global level (2015)
A new methodology to assess the performance and uncertainty of source apportionment models II: The results of two European intercomparison exercises (2015)
A new methodology to assess the performance and uncertainty of source apportionment models in intercomparison exercises (2015)
Critical review and meta-analysis of ambient particulate matter source apportionment using receptor models in Europe (2013)

Related Tools and datasets

Po-Valley (IT) dataset on source apportionment

This dataset includes results obtained with the CAMx model at 5 km resolution over the Po-Valley (Italy). It consists of a series of simulations corresponding to different emission reduction scenarios for three sectors: agriculture, transport and industry. These three sectors agriculture, transport and industry are reduced independently from each other and/or in a combined way by 50 and 100%. All possible combinations of reductions are performed leading to seven different simulations Based on the same set of input data, an additional simulation has been performed with CAMx using the built-in tagging species module (PSAT). All simulations are performed with a resolution of 5 km for an entire meteorological year (2010). All pollutant species are available at daily (PM) or hourly (O3, NO2…) frequency. The dataset is provided with a graphical interface that allows visualizing the differences between tagging and brute force approaches or quantifying the non-linear interaction terms among sectors. The dataset and tool are available on request (mail to philippe.thunis@ec.europa.eu)

Other resources

A website dedicated to source apportionment is also available at https://source-apportionment.jrc.ec.europa.eu link